Lerner Research Institute at Cleveland Clinic

Lerner Research Institute at Cleveland Clinic

Image of lab student
Students accepted into this program will be selected to work as undergraduate research assistant on a project directed by one of the researchers at the Cleveland Clinic's Lerner Research Institute in Spring semester of each year. They will spend the semester working in the lab and keep a journal record of their activity. They also will prepare a full-length report on their research after the project is complete. Participants will earn 8 hours of academic credit – these credits may be applied to a degree program in consultation with the relevant department. 
Opportunities also exist to extend the research experience into the Summer. 
Interested students can learn more about ongoing research projects during the Lerner Research Institute information session offered each semester by the Honors College or through the Cleveland Clinic’s Lerner Institute. 
Applications for this program in Spring semester will be due in October of the prior semester.
Click HERE to download a copy of the LRI application.

Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8am - 5pm

To ensure your assigned advisor is available, please schedule an appointment online through Starfish in Campus Net

If you are a prospective student, please call the office phone listed below to schedule an appointment.
General questions should be directed to:
Phone: 216.687.5559
Fax: 216.687.5552
Campus Map